explore the different health care businesses

we can help.

Want to learn more about how we can
save your business time & money?

healthcare providers we work with

hospitals & clinics

urgent care

private practices

substance abuse

mental health

clinical laboratories

dental practices

speciality pharmacy

ambulatory surgery

find out if your business is making the most it could be

When it comes to billing & utilization, many businesses in the healthcare industry actually lose money due to ineffective processes. Our goal is to maximize your profits so that your healthcare business can continue to grow and so you can focus on helping the people who really need your help, your patients.

How We Can Help Your Business Thrive

Acme Billing Solutions offers full-service billing services for medical providers throughout the United States. Our experienced team saw a need for better optimization of billing practices in the health industry when they began seeing businesses close due to ineffective billing and collections processes. Armed with a mission, we support providers in growing their business through collaboration, trust, and expert processes that are effective in maximizing your business profits.

Ready to Redefine How You Make Money? Schedule a Callback Today.


    220 Technology Drive
    Suite 210
    Irvine, CA 92618

    [email protected]


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